Midland Barrel Racing Race 6
Friday- Poles start 6pm- Barrels to follow
Saturday-Barrels start 10am- Poles to follow
Sunday- Barrels start 10am (No Poles)
ALL entries and merchandise will be CASH ONLY. ALL classes will be paid out in CASH within an hour of the conclusion of each class. All payouts will be rounded up to the nearest dollar. ATM machines will be available on premises.
All forms can be viewed on our website at https://www.midlandbarrelracing.com/forms
-We ask that you please do NOT print out our forms (to send in OR pre-fill out)
-ALL forms are color-coded to the show day and will be provided ON-SITE for you to fill out AT the show.
Stalls- $85 (Thursday-Sunday)
RV Hookups- $95 (Thursday-Sunday)
ALL STALL AND HOOKUP RESERVATIONS PLEASE EMAIL - Katie @ midland.barrels@gmail.com

Midland Barrel Racing Race 5
Friday- Poles start 6pm- Barrels to follow
Saturday-Barrels start 10am- Poles to follow
Sunday- Barrels start 10am (No Poles)
ALL entries and merchandise will be CASH ONLY. ALL classes will be paid out in CASH within an hour of the conclusion of each class. All payouts will be rounded up to the nearest dollar. ATM machines will be available on premises.
All forms can be viewed on our website at https://www.midlandbarrelracing.com/forms
-We ask that you please do NOT print out our forms (to send in OR pre-fill out)
-ALL forms are color-coded to the show day and will be provided ON-SITE for you to fill out AT the show.
Stalls- $85 (Thursday-Sunday)
RV Hookups- $95 (Thursday-Sunday)
ALL STALL AND HOOKUP RESERVATIONS PLEASE EMAIL - Katie @ midland.barrels@gmail.com

Midland Barrel Racing Race 4
Friday- Poles start 6pm- Barrels to follow
Saturday-Barrels start 10am- Poles to follow
Sunday- Barrels start 10am (No Poles)
ALL entries and merchandise will be CASH ONLY. ALL classes will be paid out in CASH within an hour of the conclusion of each class. All payouts will be rounded up to the nearest dollar. ATM machines will be available on premises.
All forms can be viewed on our website at https://www.midlandbarrelracing.com/forms
-We ask that you please do NOT print out our forms (to send in OR pre-fill out)
-ALL forms are color-coded to the show day and will be provided ON-SITE for you to fill out AT the show.
Stalls- $85 (Thursday-Sunday)
RV Hookups- $95 (Thursday-Sunday)
ALL STALL AND HOOKUP RESERVATIONS PLEASE EMAIL - Katie @ midland.barrels@gmail.com

Midland Barrel Racing Young Guns Race
After observing similar races taking place in the southern region, we recognized a lack of events in the northeast that specifically catered to youth riders, providing them with a big barrel race atmosphere but against their own age group.
To address this gap, we have organized these 2 shows that allow riders to compete within their age groups, as well as in the overall youth category as a whole.
The schedule for these shows will mirror those of our Midland shows, including exhibition & start times.
Stalls for these shows are $75 if reserved and paid for before January 1, 2024. After this date, the stall price will increase to $85. If you already have season stalls and wish to reserve the same stall for these youth shows, please send us a message and we will make the necessary arrangements!
Please note that participation in these shows is limited to individuals who are 18 years of age or younger ( As of Jan 1, 2024).
With added money of $4,000 for the weekend, there is significant potential for these young riders to earn substantial rewards!!
These shows are WPRA Junior approved and are also Midland pointed. For stall or hookup reservations, please message the page.

Midland Barrel Racing Race 3
Friday- Poles start 6pm- Barrels to follow
Saturday-Barrels start 10am- Poles to follow
Sunday- Barrels start 10am (No Poles)
ALL entries and merchandise will be CASH ONLY. ALL classes will be paid out in CASH within an hour of the conclusion of each class. All payouts will be rounded up to the nearest dollar. ATM machines will be available on premises.
All forms can be viewed on our website at https://www.midlandbarrelracing.com/forms
-We ask that you please do NOT print out our forms (to send in OR pre-fill out)
-ALL forms are color-coded to the show day and will be provided ON-SITE for you to fill out AT the show.
Stalls- $85 (Thursday-Sunday)
RV Hookups- $95 (Thursday-Sunday)
ALL STALL AND HOOKUP RESERVATIONS PLEASE EMAIL - Katie @ midland.barrels@gmail.com

MBRA Presents 1st Annual Shleby Lynn Memorial Barrel Race
Introducing the highly anticipated Shelby Lynn Memorial Barrel race!
To honor Shelby's memory and ensure her legacy lives on, we established the Shelby Lynn Memorial Scholarship, which aims to support academic and arena-related goals of barrel racers and high school rodeo riders. All proceeds from this event will directly contribute to this scholarship fund.
We are currently seeking volunteers for the entire weekend, specifically gate personnel and barrel setters. Our dedicated employees have generously offered their time for this show. If you are interested in volunteering, please send us a private message.
Please note that this show is not included in the season stalls, but if you already have one and would like to keep it while adding this show to your payment plan, we are more than happy to accommodate your request. Just send us a PM!
We will only be holding season stalls for 1 week. After 1/23 they will be open to everyone. Last time we did a show like this we sold 300 stalls in 2 days so we cannot hold season stalls open for longer than that. We will not request any additional money from you up front to add this show if you're simply just tacking it onto a season stall plan. Just please let us know if you want your stall!
Stalls are Thursday to Sunday, so please feel free to arrive early and use our facilities.
We will run this show in the outdoor arena, weather permitting.
We are also seeking sponsors to contribute towards the added money for this show. If you or someone you know is interested in sponsoring, please contact us. We would like to express our immense gratitude to our current sponsors
Butch Colbert from Greene County Horseshoe Supply
Jimmy & Cheryl Brownell
Patti Garan Higham with Stone Hill Designs for donating award plaques.
Tanya Condon
Tammy & Dustin Wilbur
Brandi Whorrall
This race is WPRA approved Open & Junior Friday- Sunday, NBHA NY 02/05,04 Sanctioned Saturday & Sunday, and NBHA NY 08 sanctioned Friday-Sunday. Allowing a lot of riders from different districts to earn points! It is also Midland pointed Friday-Sunday.
Even if you are unable to attend, we kindly request that you share this post. This barrel race presents a fantastic opportunity with high payouts and low entry fees.

Midland Barrel Racing Race 2
Friday- Poles start 6pm- Barrels to follow
Saturday-Barrels start 10am- Poles to follow
Sunday- Barrels start 10am (No Poles)
ALL entries and merchandise will be CASH ONLY. ALL classes will be paid out in CASH within an hour of the conclusion of each class. All payouts will be rounded up to the nearest dollar. ATM machines will be available on premises.
All forms can be viewed on our website at https://www.midlandbarrelracing.com/forms
-We ask that you please do NOT print out our forms (to send in OR pre-fill out)
-ALL forms are color-coded to the show day and will be provided ON-SITE for you to fill out AT the show.
Stalls- $85 (Thursday-Sunday)
RV Hookups- $95(Thursday-Sunday)
ALL STALL AND HOOKUP RESERVATIONS PLEASE EMAIL - Katie @ midland.barrels@gmail.com

Midland Barrel Racing Race 1
Friday- Poles start 6pm- Barrels to follow
Saturday-Barrels start 10am- Poles to follow
Sunday- Barrels start 10am (No Poles)
ALL entries and merchandise will be CASH ONLY. ALL classes will be paid out in CASH within an hour of the conclusion of each class. All payouts will be rounded up to the nearest dollar. ATM machines will be available on premises.
All forms can be viewed on our website at https://www.midlandbarrelracing.com/forms
-We ask that you please do NOT print out our forms (to send in OR pre-fill out)
-ALL forms are color-coded to the show day and will be provided ON-SITE for you to fill out AT the show.
Stalls- $85 (Thursday-Sunday)
RV Hookups- $95 (Thursday-Sunday)
ALL STALL AND HOOKUP RESERVATIONS PLEASE EMAIL - Katie @ midland.barrels@gmail.com